VERIGAS for compressed gas test and air flow rate check

Reference: ORU-599


VERIGAS is a complementary instrument for TRIO.BAS Microbial Air Sampler

The VERIGAS system consists of ONE digital command unit and TWO different bells (EASYGAS + VERITEST) which perform TWO different tests: 

  • When using EASYGAS, it sample the compressed gas in the cleanroom. The linked digital control unit functions as a flow meter to manage the gas or air flow from the compressed supply before it passes through the microbiological sampler.
  • The VERITEST checks the level of precision of the flow rate in all microbiological air samplers. The result is displayed at the conclusion of the test. displayed as either WARNING or ERROR (the air sampler is not calibrated within calibration requirements) or OK (the air sampler is still calibrated) on the control unit.

The VERIGAS ascertains variations in pressure produced by the air sampler as it draws air through a bell-shaped aspirating chamber that is affixed to the sampler's head and made of technopolymer for VERITEST and stainless steel for EASYGAS. A sensor for differential pressure measures this fluctuation and compares it to the standards.

The EASY GAS checks that product contact air is contamination free within sterile or aseptic manufacturing facilities like Cleanroom
Any air sampler is easily and aseptically connected to the output of compressed gas.
Before entering the aspiration head of a TRIO.BAS air sampler, the air flow from the compressed supply is regulated by a flow valve.
All the sampling data is transferred via Bluetooth or cable (depending on the TRIO.BAS model used) to a PC by a dedicated software according to GMP and GLP.

It can be used in combination with TRIO.BAS, AIRBIO and MULTIFLEX air samplers.

SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) available from Application Notes.

    This combination does not exist.

    Technical information

    • For EASYGAS, the bell chamber, the valve and the regulator are in AISI 316 rated stainless steel. The bell’s gasket is in silicon. All autoclavable
    • For VERITEST the bell chamber is in technopolymer
    • 1.000 litres of compressed air/gas impact on the 90 mm agar culture Petri dish or Contact plate to collect the microorganisms.
    • Volume of aspirated air: 100 litres/min for EASYGAS – 100/200 litres/min for VERITEST
    • Input pressure: 1 ÷ 6 bar
    • Compact and easy to transfer
    • Suitable for 90 mm Petri dishes or 55 mm Contact plates
    • Operates with a 1,5V battery (no main power connection)
    • Size: command unit 120x80x80 mm
    • Stainless steel bell diam. 80x200 h mm – weight 1200 gr.
    • Tecnopolymer bell chamber diam. 100x110 h mm. – weight 300 gr.
      Built in ISO 9001
    • IQ, OQ, PQ documentation are available
    • Compliant with ISO 14698-1, EN 17141, ISO 8537-7 and FDA