

Découvrez la précision et la performance avec les instruments de viscosité Brookfield où la précision, la fiabilité et l'innovation convergent pour transformer votre expérience de la mesure de la viscosité. En tant que distributeur de confiance de Brookfield, nous sommes ravis de vous présenter une gamme de solutions de mesure de la viscosité à la pointe de la technologie qui peuvent améliorer vos processus dans diverses industries.

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Découvrir les principes de fonctionnement des instruments de viscosité Brookfield

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Au cœur de chaque instrument de viscosité Brookfield se trouve un système méticuleusement conçu pour mesurer la viscosité des liquides et des matériaux semi-solides avec une précision inégalée. 

Ces instruments fonctionnent selon les principes de la viscosité rotationnelle, en utilisant le couple nécessaire pour faire tourner une broche dans un échantillon de substance.

Comment fonctionne la viscosimétrie ?

Immersion de l'échantillon

L'instrument Brookfield immerge une tige ou une sonde dans le matériau de l'échantillon. La géométrie de la broche et la nature du matériau déterminent la plage de mesure de la viscosité.

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La broche tourne doucement à l'intérieur de l'échantillon. La viscosité du matériau crée une résistance à cette rotation, qui est mesurée en termes de couple.

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Acquisition de données

Des capteurs précis contrôlent en permanence le couple et la vitesse de rotation. L'instrument calcule ensuite la valeur de la viscosité en temps réel.

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Affichage des résultats

La mesure de la viscosité est affichée sur une interface conviviale, ce qui permet de connaître immédiatement les propriétés d'écoulement de l'échantillon.

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Choisissez Brookfield pour l'excellence en matière de viscosité

Les instruments de viscosité Brookfield représentent l'étalon-or de la technologie de mesure de la viscosité. Que vous soyez dans la recherche, la production ou le contrôle qualité, nos instruments vous permettent de prendre des décisions éclairées, de rationaliser les processus et d'assurer la plus haute qualité des produits.
Rejoignez les rangs des leaders de l'industrie qui font confiance à Brookfield. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour découvrir comment les instruments de mesure de la viscosité Brookfield peuvent révolutionner vos processus de mesure de la viscosité et élever votre entreprise vers de nouveaux sommets de précision et de performance.

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Découvrez les avantages de nos solutions pour votre entreprise

Précision et exactitude

Les instruments Brookfield sont réputés pour leur précision et leur exactitude, fournissant des résultats cohérents auxquels on peut se fier pour la prise de décision et le contrôle de la qualité.

Des processus rationalisés

En fournissant des données en temps réel, ces instruments vous permettent d'optimiser les processus, de réduire les temps d'arrêt de la production et de minimiser les déchets de produits.

Conformité réglementaire

Dans les industries où le respect de réglementations strictes est impératif, les viscosimètres Brookfield garantissent que vos produits répondent aux exigences de conformité.

Amélioration de la qualité des produits

La constance est la marque de la qualité. Avec Brookfield, vous pouvez fabriquer en toute confiance des produits qui répondent aux attentes des clients, voire les dépassent.

Facilité d'utilisation

Les instruments Brookfield sont conçus en pensant à l'utilisateur. Leurs interfaces et logiciels intuitifs les rendent accessibles aux professionnels chevronnés comme aux novices.

Soutien complet

En tant que distributeur exclusif de Brookfield en Belgique et au Luxembourg, nous offrons une assistance complète, y compris l'installation, la formation et l'assistance technique continue pour vous permettre de tirer le meilleur parti de votre instrument Brookfield.

Viscomètre DVPlus

Le viscosimètre DVPlus est le dernier viscosimètre économique de Brookfield, doté d'une interface utilisateur avancée et des meilleures caractéristiques de sa catégorie. 

Il convient à toutes les applications nécessitant des mesures précises de la viscosité. L'interface autonome et facile à utiliser fait du DVPlus le viscosimètre idéal pour les laboratoires très occupés.
Avec le viscosimètre DVPlus, vous avez tout ce qu'il faut : une grande précision, un temps de réponse rapide et des résultats reproductibles.
Des étalons de viscosité traçables au NIST sont disponibles.

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Rhéomètre DVNext

Le rhéomètre DVNext intègre des caractéristiques avancées pour la répétabilité et la fiabilité.

 Il s'agit d'un instrument autonome facile à utiliser pour mesurer la viscosité et la limite d'élasticité. Il est disponible en version standard et en version conforme à la norme 21 CFR Part 11.

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Rhéomètre à cône/plaque DVNext

La détermination rapide de la viscosité absolue est facile avec cette version cône/plaque pour les petits échantillons. Le rhéomètre cône/plaque DVNext, désormais doté d'un cône/plaque magnétique facile à changer, offre aux chercheurs un instrument sophistiqué pour déterminer en routine la viscosité absolue des fluides dans de petits volumes d'échantillons. La géométrie du cône et de la plaque offre la précision nécessaire à l'élaboration de données rhéologiques complètes.

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DV2T Écran tactile 

Notre viscosimètre le plus polyvalent... avec un écran tactile ! Le DV2T est doté d'un écran couleur de 5 pouces qui guide les utilisateurs dans la création de tests et la collecte de données pour des mesures de viscosité rapides et faciles. I's offre de puissantes capacités de programmation et d'analyse des résultats, y compris le calcul de la moyenne des données et les limites de contrôle de qualité avec alarmes.

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Lecture du cadran 

Le viscosimètre Brookfield original à cadran est l'étalon de laboratoire utilisé dans le monde entier. Des calculs manuels sont nécessaires pour obtenir les valeurs en centipoises. 

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Viscomètre CAP2000

Il fournit des courbes d'écoulement de la viscosité ainsi que des profils de température et est idéal pour la recherche et le développement ainsi que pour le contrôle de la qualité, en particulier dans les industries des peintures et des revêtements. 

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Viscomètre KU-3

Le viscosimètre KU-3 affiche les unités Krebs, les unités grammes et les centipoises pour les peintures, les revêtements et les encres conformément à la norme ASTM D562.

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Des applications de viscosité qui s'étendent à toutes les industries

Les instruments de viscosité Brookfield sont réputés pour leur polyvalence et répondent aux besoins d'un large éventail d'industries et d'applications. De la recherche et du développement au contrôle de la qualité et aux processus de production, ces instruments jouent un rôle essentiel. Voici quelques industries clés qui bénéficient des solutions Brookfield :

Viscosité des boissons alimentaires

Alimentation et boissons

Les viscosimètres Brookfield aident à maintenir une qualité constante des produits dans l'industrie alimentaire et des boissons, en garantissant une texture et une sensation en bouche parfaites pour des produits tels que les sauces, les vinaigrettes, etc.

Viscosité des produits pharmaceutiques

Produits pharmaceutiques

Dans le domaine pharmaceutique, les mesures précises de la viscosité sont essentielles pour la formulation des médicaments, garantissant la précision du dosage et la performance optimale des produits pharmaceutiques.

Viscosité des peintures et des revêtements

Peintures et revêtements

Obtenez une cohérence des produits et un contrôle de la qualité supérieurs dans l'industrie des peintures et des revêtements, en garantissant que vos produits répondent aux normes les plus strictes.

Viscosité du pétrole et des produits chimiques

Pétrole et produits chimiques

Les instruments Brookfield sont essentiels pour tester la viscosité du pétrole brut, des lubrifiants et de diverses formulations chimiques, afin de garantir la sécurité et la conformité avec les réglementations industrielles.


Dans le domaine des cosmétiques, la texture et la performance des produits sont essentielles. Les viscosimètres Brookfield aident à créer des lotions, des crèmes et des produits de maquillage d'une consistance parfaite.

Recherche et développement viscosité

Recherche et développement

Les chercheurs de toutes les industries s'appuient sur les instruments de viscosité Brookfield pour obtenir des données précises afin de développer de nouveaux produits et de nouvelles formulations.

Nos produits


LVDV2T Viscometer with temperature probe Brookfield

Reference : AME-XDV2TLVTJ00E00

DV2T Touch Screen Viscometer
The New DV2T Viscometer features a 5-inch color display to guide users through test creation and data gathering for fast and easy viscosity measurements.
The DV2T also offers powerful new programming capabilities and results analysis including data averaging and QC limits with alarms.
User instructions with multi-step test protocols can be created using the new Program Generator Software and uploaded to the DV2T through a USB Flash Drive (both included with instrument).
Test Data can be recorded directly on a local printer or sent to a PC.
Additional automated control and data collection can be achieved with optional RheocalcT software.


- 5-inch full color, touch screen display supports multiple languages
- Displayed info includes: viscosity (cP/mP·s), temperature (°C/°F), shear rate/stress, % torque, spindle/speed, step program status
- Enhanced Security provides enhanced security with customizable user levels & password access to comply with regulatory requirements such as 21 CFR Part 11.
- Built-In options include timed tests, data averaging, programmable QC limits/alarms, customizable speed/spindle lists, on screen data comparison
- Auto range shows maximum viscosity measured with any spindle/speed combination
- USB PC interface provides optional computer control and automatic data gathering capability Download custom test programs with included PG Flash software
- Front-facing bubble level for convenient viewing
- Built-in temperature probe
- Accuracy of ±1.0% of range with displayed test data
- Repeatability of ±0.2%
- NIST traceable viscosity standards available
- Also available: New magnetic coupling system, durable ball bearing suspension system, quick action lab stand and RheocalcT software.

- LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the thinnest materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents.
- RV is for medium viscosity materials than those measured with an LV torque. Typical examples include creams, food, and paints.
- HA is for higher viscosity materials than those measured with an RV torque. Typical examples include gels, chocolate and epoxies.
- HB is for even higher viscosity materials than those measured with an HA torque spring. Typical examples include asphalt, caulking compounds, and molasses.


RVDV2T Viscometer with temperature probe Brookfield

Reference : AME-XDV2TRVTJ00E00

DV2T Touch Screen Viscometer
The New DV2T Viscometer features a 5-inch color display to guide users through test creation and data gathering for fast and easy viscosity measurements.
The DV2T also offers powerful new programming capabilities and results analysis including data averaging and QC limits with alarms.
User instructions with multi-step test protocols can be created using the new Program Generator Software and uploaded to the DV2T through a USB Flash Drive (both included with instrument).
Test Data can be recorded directly on a local printer or sent to a PC.
Additional automated control and data collection can be achieved with optional RheocalcT software.


- 5-inch full color, touch screen display supports multiple languages
- Displayed info includes: viscosity (cP/mP·s), temperature (°C/°F), shear rate/stress, % torque, spindle/speed, step program status
- Enhanced Security provides enhanced security with customizable user levels & password access to comply with regulatory requirements such as 21 CFR Part 11.
- Built-In options include timed tests, data averaging, programmable QC limits/alarms, customizable speed/spindle lists, on screen data comparison
- Auto range shows maximum viscosity measured with any spindle/speed combination
- USB PC interface provides optional computer control and automatic data gathering capability Download custom test programs with included PG Flash software
- Front-facing bubble level for convenient viewing
- Built-in temperature probe
- Accuracy of ±1.0% of range with displayed test data
- Repeatability of ±0.2%
- NIST traceable viscosity standards available
- Also available: New magnetic coupling system, durable ball bearing suspension system, quick action lab stand and RheocalcT software.

- LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the thinnest materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents.
- RV is for medium viscosity materials than those measured with an LV torque. Typical examples include creams, food, and paints.
- HA is for higher viscosity materials than those measured with an RV torque. Typical examples include gels, chocolate and epoxies.
- HB is for even higher viscosity materials than those measured with an HA torque spring. Typical examples include asphalt, caulking compounds, and molasses.

CAP1000+L cone and plate Viscometer Brookfield
Reference : AME-CAP1PL230

CAP1000 Viscometer
The CAP 1000+ Viscometer is a compact, heavy-duty instrument that is ideal for fast, easy, repetitive testing on the production floor or in the QC lab.
Small sample size is a plus, along with integrated temperature control built into the sample plate.

- Quick single point test
- Choice of shear rate. Standard speeds include 750 and 900 rpm to provide shear rate at 10,000 sec-1.
- Rapid temperature control with built-in Peltier element in sample plate
- Meets Industry Standards: ASTM D4287, ISO 2884 and BS 3900
- Rugged design can handle production environment
- Small Sample Size, < 1 mL, Simplifies Testing
- Easy to Clean
- Customizable options
- Parallel printer output

METHOD DEVELOPMENT - Let Analis specialists help you!
- Specify one speed or shear rate if this is required for your method.
- Indicate viscosity range.
- Select the temperature range that best suits your application: 5°C to 75°C or 50°C to 235°C
- Choose from 10 spindles for multiple viscosity ranges

CAP2000+L cone and plate Viscometer Brookfield
Reference : AME-CAP2PL230

CAP2000 Viscometer
The CAP2000+ also offers lower shear rates, making it suitable for many applications where small sample volumes and good temperature control are necessary.
Brookfield's CAP-2000+ offers expanded temperature and viscosity ranges with variable speed capability.
The CAP2000+ also offers lower shear rates, making it suitable for many applications where small sample volume and good temperature control are necessary.
And the rugged, easy-to-use design make it perfect in environments where other instruments won't last.

- Expanded Ranges
- Viscosity 0.2 - 15,000 Poise
- Shear Rate 10 - 13,000 sec-1
- Temperature 5-75°C or 50-235°C
- Speed of Rotation 5-1000 RPM
- Meets Industry Standards: ASTM D4287, ISO 2884 and BS 3900
- Small sample size, < 1 mL, simplifies testing
- Integrated Peltier temperature control
- Optional CAPCALC32 software for complete control and data analysis
- Open system for quick and easy cleaning

METHOD DEVELOPMENT - Let Analis specialists help you!

LVDV2T Viscometer with temperature probe Brookfield
Reference : AME-XDV2TLVTJ00E00

DV2T Touch Screen Viscometer
The New DV2T Viscometer features a 5-inch color display to guide users through test creation and data gathering for fast and easy viscosity measurements.
The DV2T also offers powerful new programming capabilities and results analysis including data averaging and QC limits with alarms.
User instructions with multi-step test protocols can be created using the new Program Generator Software and uploaded to the DV2T through a USB Flash Drive (both included with instrument).
Test Data can be recorded directly on a local printer or sent to a PC.
Additional automated control and data collection can be achieved with optional RheocalcT software.


- 5-inch full color, touch screen display supports multiple languages
- Displayed info includes: viscosity (cP/mP·s), temperature (°C/°F), shear rate/stress, % torque, spindle/speed, step program status
- Enhanced Security provides enhanced security with customizable user levels & password access to comply with regulatory requirements such as 21 CFR Part 11.
- Built-In options include timed tests, data averaging, programmable QC limits/alarms, customizable speed/spindle lists, on screen data comparison
- Auto range shows maximum viscosity measured with any spindle/speed combination
- USB PC interface provides optional computer control and automatic data gathering capability Download custom test programs with included PG Flash software
- Front-facing bubble level for convenient viewing
- Built-in temperature probe
- Accuracy of ±1.0% of range with displayed test data
- Repeatability of ±0.2%
- NIST traceable viscosity standards available
- Also available: New magnetic coupling system, durable ball bearing suspension system, quick action lab stand and RheocalcT software.

- LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the thinnest materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents.
- RV is for medium viscosity materials than those measured with an LV torque. Typical examples include creams, food, and paints.
- HA is for higher viscosity materials than those measured with an RV torque. Typical examples include gels, chocolate and epoxies.
- HB is for even higher viscosity materials than those measured with an HA torque spring. Typical examples include asphalt, caulking compounds, and molasses.

RVDV2T Viscometer with temperature probe Brookfield
Reference : AME-XDV2TRVTJ00E00

DV2T Touch Screen Viscometer
The New DV2T Viscometer features a 5-inch color display to guide users through test creation and data gathering for fast and easy viscosity measurements.
The DV2T also offers powerful new programming capabilities and results analysis including data averaging and QC limits with alarms.
User instructions with multi-step test protocols can be created using the new Program Generator Software and uploaded to the DV2T through a USB Flash Drive (both included with instrument).
Test Data can be recorded directly on a local printer or sent to a PC.
Additional automated control and data collection can be achieved with optional RheocalcT software.


- 5-inch full color, touch screen display supports multiple languages
- Displayed info includes: viscosity (cP/mP·s), temperature (°C/°F), shear rate/stress, % torque, spindle/speed, step program status
- Enhanced Security provides enhanced security with customizable user levels & password access to comply with regulatory requirements such as 21 CFR Part 11.
- Built-In options include timed tests, data averaging, programmable QC limits/alarms, customizable speed/spindle lists, on screen data comparison
- Auto range shows maximum viscosity measured with any spindle/speed combination
- USB PC interface provides optional computer control and automatic data gathering capability Download custom test programs with included PG Flash software
- Front-facing bubble level for convenient viewing
- Built-in temperature probe
- Accuracy of ±1.0% of range with displayed test data
- Repeatability of ±0.2%
- NIST traceable viscosity standards available
- Also available: New magnetic coupling system, durable ball bearing suspension system, quick action lab stand and RheocalcT software.

- LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the thinnest materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents.
- RV is for medium viscosity materials than those measured with an LV torque. Typical examples include creams, food, and paints.
- HA is for higher viscosity materials than those measured with an RV torque. Typical examples include gels, chocolate and epoxies.
- HB is for even higher viscosity materials than those measured with an HA torque spring. Typical examples include asphalt, caulking compounds, and molasses.

Reference : AME-T-C

T-bar spindles are used with the Helipath Stand to create a helical path through non-flowing materials such as creams, pastes, putty and gelatin.
A standard Helipath spindle set includes 6 spindles: T-A, T-B, T-C, T-D, T-E and T-F

10 cP VISCOSITY STANDARD (appx 900ml)
Reference : AME-10 CPS

Silicone viscosity standard fluids are most commonly used to verify calibration of Brookfield lab viscometers/ rheometers and are less temperature sensitive than mineral oils.
General purpose silicone fluids are the most commonly used standard for verifying calibration of your Brookfield Viscometer/Rheometer.
Silicone standards are Newtonian fluids which are accurate to ±1% of viscosity value.
Silicone fluids provide excellent temperature stability and are less temperature sensitive than oil viscosity standards.
Brookfield Viscosity Standards are certified by methods traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The selection of one or two fluids will normally provide sufficient measurement points to verify calibration of your instrument.
All fluids are supplied in ½ liter (1 pint) containers complete with a certificate of calibration.


- Accuracy: ±1% of viscosity value
- Excellent temperature stability
- Recommended for use with Brookfield and most other rotational viscometers
- Most economical
- Special viscosity values and temperature calibrations are available upon request

Available viscosity values in General Purpose Silicone Fluids (at 25°C)
- 5 cps
- 10 cps
- 50 cps
- 100 cps
- 500 cps
- 1000 cps
- 5000 cps
- 12500 cps
- 30000 cps
- 60000 cps
- 100000 cps

100 cP VISCOSITY STANDARD (appx 900ml)
Reference : AME-100 CPS

Silicone viscosity Standard fluids are most commonly used to verify the calibration of Brookfield lab viscometers and rheometers and are less temperature sensitive than mineral oils.
General purpose silicone fluids are the most commonly used standard for verifying the calibration of your Brookfield Viscometer/Rheometer.
Silicone Standards are Newtonian fluids, which are accurate to ±1% of viscosity value.
Silicone fluids provide excellent temperature stability and are less temperature sensitive than oil viscosity standards.
Brookfield Viscosity Standards are certified by methods traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The selection of one or two fluids will normally provide sufficient measurement points to verify the calibration of your instrument.
All fluids are supplied in ½ liter (1 pint) containers complete with a certificate of calibration.


- Accuracy: ±1% of viscosity value
- Excellent temperature stability
- Recommended for use with Brookfield and most other rotational viscometers
- Most economical
- Special viscosity values and temperature calibrations are available upon request

Available viscosity values in general-purpose Purpose Silicone Fluids (at 25°C)
- 5 cps
- 10 cps
- 50 cps
- 100 cps
- 500 cps
- 1000 cps
- 5000 cps
- 12500 cps
- 30000 cps
- 60000 cps
- 100000 cps

1000 cP VISCOSITY STANDARD (appx 900ml)
Reference : AME-1000 CPS

Silicone viscosity standard fluids are most commonly used to verify calibration of Brookfield lab viscometers/ rheometers and are less temperature sensitive than mineral oils.
General purpose silicone fluids are the most commonly used standard for verifying calibration of your Brookfield Viscometer/Rheometer.
Silicone Standards are Newtonian fluids which are accurate to ±1% of viscosity value.
Silicone fluids provide excellent temperature stability and are less temperature sensitive than oil viscosity standards.
Brookfield Viscosity Standards are certified by methods traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The selection of one or two fluids will normally provide sufficient measurement points to verify the calibration of your instrument.
All fluids are supplied in ½ liter (1 pint) containers complete with a certificate of calibration.


- Accuracy: ±1% of viscosity value
- Excellent temperature stability
- Recommended for use with Brookfield and most other rotational viscometers
- Most economical
- Special viscosity values and temperature calibrations available upon request

Available viscosity values in General Purpose Silicone Fluids (at 25°C)
- 5 cps
- 10 cps
- 50 cps
- 100 cps
- 500 cps
- 1000 cps
- 5000 cps
- 12500 cps
- 30000 cps
- 60000 cps
- 100000 cps

100000 cP VISCOSITY STANDARD (500ml)
Reference : AME-100000 CPS

Silicone viscosity standard fluids are most commonly used to verify calibration of Brookfield lab viscometers/ rheometers and are less temperature sensitive than mineral oils.
General purpose silicone fluids are the most commonly used standard for verifying calibration of your Brookfield Viscometer/Rheometer.
Silicone Standards are Newtonian fluids which are accurate to ±1% of viscosity value.
Silicone fluids provide excellent temperature stability and are less temperature sensitive than oil viscosity standards.
Brookfield Viscosity Standards are certified by methods traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The selection of one or two fluids will normally provide sufficient measurement points to verify the calibration of your instrument.
All fluids are supplied in ½ liter (1 pint) containers complete with a certificate of calibration.


- Accuracy: ±1% of viscosity value
- Excellent temperature stability
- Recommended for use with Brookfield and most other rotational viscometers
- Most economical
- Special viscosity values and temperature calibrations available upon request

Available viscosity values in general-purpose Purpose Silicone Fluids (at 25°C)
- 5 cps
- 10 cps
- 50 cps
- 100 cps
- 500 cps
- 1000 cps
- 5000 cps
- 12500 cps
- 30000 cps
- 60000 cps
- 100000 cps

12500 cP VISCOSITY STANDARD (appx 900ml)
Reference : AME-12500 CPS

Silicone viscosity standard fluids are most commonly used to verify calibration of Brookfield lab viscometers/ rheometers and are less temperature sensitive than mineral oils.
General purpose silicone fluids are the most commonly used standard for verifying calibration of your Brookfield Viscometer/Rheometer.
Silicone Standards are Newtonian fluids which are accurate to ±1% of viscosity value.
Silicone fluids provide excellent temperature stability and are less temperature sensitive than oil viscosity standards.
Brookfield Viscosity Standards are certified by methods traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The selection of one or two fluids will normally provide sufficient measurement points to verify the calibration of your instrument.
All fluids are supplied in ½ liter (1 pint) containers complete with a certificate of calibration.


- Accuracy: ±1% of viscosity value
- Excellent temperature stability
- Recommended for use with Brookfield and most other rotational viscometers
- Most economical
- Special viscosity values and temperature calibrations available upon request

Available viscosity values in General Purpose Silicone Fluids (at 25°C)
- 5 cps
- 10 cps
- 50 cps
- 100 cps
- 500 cps
- 1000 cps
- 5000 cps
- 12500 cps
- 30000 cps
- 60000 cps
- 100000 cps

Reference : AME-30000 CPS

Silicone viscosity standard fluids are most commonly used to verify calibration of Brookfield lab viscometers/ rheometers and are less temperature sensitive than mineral oils.
General purpose silicone fluids are the most commonly used standard for verifying calibration of your Brookfield Viscometer/Rheometer.
Silicone Standards are Newtonian fluids which are accurate to ±1% of viscosity value.
Silicone fluids provide excellent temperature stability and are less temperature sensitive than oil viscosity standards.
Brookfield Viscosity Standards are certified by methods traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The selection of one or two fluids will normally provide sufficient measurement points to verify calibration of your instrument.
All fluids are supplied in ½ liter (1 pint) containers complete with a certificate of calibration.


- Accuracy: ±1% of viscosity value
- Excellent temperature stability
- Recommended for use with Brookfield and most other rotational viscometers
- Most economical
- Special viscosity values and temperature calibrations available upon request

Available viscosity values in General Purpose Silicone Fluids (at 25°C)
- 5 cps
- 10 cps
- 50 cps
- 100 cps
- 500 cps
- 1000 cps
- 5000 cps
- 12500 cps
- 30000 cps
- 60000 cps
- 100000 cps

5 cP VISCOSITY STANDARD (appx 900ml)
Reference : AME-5 CPS

Silicone viscosity standard fluids are most commonly used to verify calibration of Brookfield lab viscometers/ rheometers and are less temperature sensitive than mineral oils.
General purpose silicone fluids are the most commonly used standard for verifying calibration of your Brookfield Viscometer/Rheometer.
Silicone Standards are for Newtonian fluids which are accurate to ±1% of viscosity value.
Silicone fluids provide excellent temperature stability and are less temperature sensitive than oil viscosity standards.
Brookfield Viscosity Standards are certified by methods traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The selection of one or two fluids will normally provide sufficient measurement points to verify calibration of your instrument.
All fluids are supplied in ½ liter (1 pint) containers complete with a certificate of calibration.


- Accuracy: ±1% of viscosity value
- Excellent temperature stability
- Recommended for use with Brookfield and most other rotational viscometers
- Most economical
- Special viscosity values and temperature calibrations available upon request

Available viscosity values in General Purpose Silicone Fluids (at 25°C)
- 5 cps
- 10 cps
- 50 cps
- 100 cps
- 500 cps
- 1000 cps
- 5000 cps
- 12500 cps
- 30000 cps
- 60000 cps
- 100000 cps