Electrophorèse capillaire

Nos solutions 

Découvrez la puissance et la vitesse de la technologie de séparation SCIEX
Les instruments d'électrophorèse capillaire SCIEX ont été développés pour répondre à vos défis analytiques d'aujourd'hui, tout en gardant un œil fermement tourné vers les exigences de demain.

Que votre laboratoire effectue la sélection de clones, l'analyse automatisée et quantitative de produits biologiques, la recherche protéomique, métabolomique ou génomique, ou les tests alimentaires et environnementaux, SCIEX est sûr d'avoir une solution de pointe pour vous.

Apprenez-en plus sur nos instruments d'électrophorèse capillaire, et voyez pourquoi les scientifiques du monde entier comptent sur la technologie SCIEX pour faire avancer leurs recherches.

Contactez-nous pour discuter de l'instrument le mieux adapté à vos besoins et à votre budget.

Système Sciex BioPhase 8800

BioPhase 8800 system

Système innovant qui facilite le traitement parallèle de 8 échantillons simultanément, tout en fournissant des analyses CE-SDS et CIEF sensibles. Il permet d'obtenir une précision sans compromis et des délais de réponse plus courts tout au long du processus de développement des produits biologiques.

En savoir plus

sciex PA 800 Plus Système d'analyse pharmaceutique

PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System

Plate-forme flexible pour de multiples essais analytiques avec un capillaire à température contrôlée pour une reproductibilité et une confiance maximales des données.

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sciex CESI 8000 Plus ESI-MS-Système à haute performance

CESI 8000 Plus ESI-MS-High-Performance System

Intègre l'électrophorèse capillaire et l'ionisation par électrospray (ESI) en un seul processus dynamique. Augmente considérablement l'efficacité, la vitesse et la sensibilité des séparations.

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sciex P/ACE™ MDQ Plus


Systèmes d'électrophorèse capillaire automatisés et programmables conçus pour effectuer des séparations rapides à partir d'échantillons complexes.

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sciex GenomeLab GeXP™ Système d'analyse génétique

GenomeLab GeXP™ Genetic Analysis System

Tous vos besoins en matière d'analyses génétiques sur un seul instrument. Le GenomeLab GeXP prend en charge une variété d'applications, y compris le séquençage de l'ADN, l'analyse de fragments et l'expression génique multiplex.

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Nos produits


Advanced cIEF Starter Kit

Reference : ABS-A80976

Accurate determination of a protein’s charge heterogeneity helps establish identity and stability. Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) is a powerful technique that allows quantitative analysis of a protein’s isoelectric point (pI). In cIEF, a mixture of sample and ampholyte is introduced into a capillary and subjected to electrophoretic separation. In this process, a pH gradient through which analytes migrate to their respective pI is formed. 

The PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System automates the advanced cIEF technology necessary to successfully achieve high precision and quantitative separations. The use of optimized universal methods and synthetic pI markers attains the highest levels of precision in pI calculation and direct isoform quantitation with on-line UV detection.

This kit provides reagent volumes for analysis of 100 samples and includes: 
• eCap Neutral Capillary, 1 unit 
• cIEF gel 
• cIEF Peptide Marker Kit, 5 vials (pI 4.1, pI 5.5, pI 7.0, pI 9.5, pI 10.0), 240 µL each 
• Sample Loading Solution (SLS), 6 mL 
• CE Grade Water 
NOTE: Additional reagents from other vendors are required for this application. Methods and necessary supplies can be referenced in the following AIBs, available for download at www.sciex.com:
• A-11634: Identification of System Parameters Critical for High-Performance cIEF
• A-12015: A Robust cIEF Method: Intermediate Precision for the pH 5-7 Range
• A-12026: High-Resolution cIEF of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies: A Platform Method Covering pH 4-10

P/ACE MDQ Plus Capillary Electrophoresis System
Reference : ABS-B52521

The P/ACE MDQ Plus is an automated, programmable capillary electrophoresis system designed to perform fast separations from complex samples.

The system includes:
> a selectable-wavelength high sensitivity modular UV/Vis detector (includes 200, 214, 230 and 254 nm filters to optimize analyte specificity) with UV source optics,
> temperature-controlled sample storage module
> 32 Karat™ Software configured on a desktop controller
> Installation Qualification, Operation Qualification 1 (OQ1) and documentation to aid in software validation are also included.

If required:
Add application support and training when desired.
Add other detectors specific for your application when desired - Optional DAD and/or LIF

Operational Qualification (OQ3) is NOT available for this system.

PA800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis CE System
Reference : ABS-A66528

The PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis system provides a comprehensive, automated, and quantitative solution for the characterization and analysis of proteins. Innovative system design ensures dependable operation and durability. The PA 800 Plus application menu includes SDS-gel molecular weight analysis, IgG Purity and Heterogeneity analysis, charge heterogeneity analysis utilizing advanced capillary isoelectric focusing, and carbohydrate profiling for the assessment of glycoprotein microheterogeneity.
Modular detector design provides for the simple interchange of detectors.

The PA 800 Plus System includes:
• High-resolution separation module
• High-sensitivity UV, PDA, and solid-state laser-induced fluorescence detection
• Sample storage temperature control
• High-speed system controller with 32 Karat™ Version 10.3 on Win10
• Validated applications for SDS-MW, IgG Purity and Heterogeneity, cIEF, and glycan analysis
• Starter kit containing necessary hardware supplies to operate the system
• Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operational Qualification (OQ1) of the system are included.

If required
P/N A81010 must be added to the order for system start-up and installation.
System application installation and training must be added when desired.
Operational Qualification (OQ3) must be added for complete system validation.

PA800S Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis CE System
Reference : ABS-A66527

A subset of the PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis system, the PA 800s Plus provides an automated and quantitative solution for the analysis of protein purity and molecular weight utilizing SDS-gel capillary electrophoresis and IgG Purity and Heterogeneity applications. The innovative system design ensures dependable operation and durability.

The PA 800s system includes:
• High-resolution separation module
• High-sensitivity PDA detection
• Sample storage temperature control
• High-speed system controller with 32 Karat™ Version 10.3 on Win10
• Validated applications for SDS-MW and IgG Purity and Heterogeneity
• Starter kit containing necessary hardware supplies to operate the system is included
• Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operational Qualification (OQ1) of the system are included.

If required:
P/N A81111 must be added to the order for system start-up and installation.
System application installation and training must be added when desired.
Operational Qualification (OQ3) must be added for complete system validation.

10kDa Internal Standard
Reference : ABS-A26487

For use with the IgG Purity/Heterogeneity and SDS MW Kits.

10 kDa internal standard is used as a mobility marker and all protein mobility is calculated relative to this internal standard.

Advanced cIEF Starter Kit
Reference : ABS-A80976

Accurate determination of a protein’s charge heterogeneity helps establish identity and stability. Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) is a powerful technique that allows quantitative analysis of a protein’s isoelectric point (pI). In cIEF, a mixture of sample and ampholyte is introduced into a capillary and subjected to electrophoretic separation. In this process, a pH gradient through which analytes migrate to their respective pI is formed. 

The PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System automates the advanced cIEF technology necessary to successfully achieve high precision and quantitative separations. The use of optimized universal methods and synthetic pI markers attains the highest levels of precision in pI calculation and direct isoform quantitation with on-line UV detection.

This kit provides reagent volumes for analysis of 100 samples and includes: 
• eCap Neutral Capillary, 1 unit 
• cIEF gel 
• cIEF Peptide Marker Kit, 5 vials (pI 4.1, pI 5.5, pI 7.0, pI 9.5, pI 10.0), 240 µL each 
• Sample Loading Solution (SLS), 6 mL 
• CE Grade Water 
NOTE: Additional reagents from other vendors are required for this application. Methods and necessary supplies can be referenced in the following AIBs, available for download at www.sciex.com:
• A-11634: Identification of System Parameters Critical for High-Performance cIEF
• A-12015: A Robust cIEF Method: Intermediate Precision for the pH 5-7 Range
• A-12026: High-Resolution cIEF of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies: A Platform Method Covering pH 4-10

Coolant for capillary cartridge liquid cooling, 450ML.
Reference : ABS-359976

Cooling liquid refill for use on temperature controlled instruments, for all Sciex CE systems including the BioPhase, PA 800 Plus, CESI 8000 Plus and P/ACE MDQ instruments (Qty: 1).

IgG Control Standard - 3 Pack
Reference : ABS-391734

Kit Component of P/N 390953 and P/N A10663 (IgG Purity/Heterogeneity Kit.)
For use as an experimental control when separating reduced or non-reduced IgG, with a designated quantity of non-glycosylated heavy chain to test both the resolution and quantitation suitability of the assay prior to running unknowns.

IgG Purity/Heterogeniety Assay Kit
Reference : ABS-A10663

Includes IgG Control Standard 1-pack and all chemistries.
The IgG Purity/Heterogeneity Assay has been developed for researchers employed in industrial biotechnology who are developing and manufacturing IgG reagents for research, diagnostic and therapeutic use. 

This assay has been specified for use on the PA 800 Plus to assess the purity and heterogeneity of IgG reagents in both a reduced and non-reduced state. The methodology involves heat-denaturing a specified concentration of IgG (both reduced and non-reduced) in the presence of SDS, and separating these proteins by size using high-resolution capillary gel electrophoresis technology. This assay will detect impurities as low as 0.1% and includes an IgG control with a designated quantity of non-glycosylated heavy chain to test both the resolution and quantitation suitability of the assay prior to running unknowns
Assay chemistry includes:
• Separation Capillary, 57 cm x 50 µm ID bare fused-silica, (2)
• SDS Gel Separation Buffer (proprietary formulation), 140 mL
• SDS Sample Buffer, 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0/1% SDS, 50 mL
• IgG Control Standard, 1 mg/mL in SDS sample buffer , 1 mL
• Internal Standard, 10 kDa protein, 5 mg/mL, 0.4 mL
• Acidic Wash Solution, 0.1 N HCl, 100 mL
• Basic Wash Solution, 0.1 N NaOH, 100 mL
• IgG Purity and Heterogeneity Analysis Guide, (1)

LIF Performance Test Mix
Reference : ABS-726022

LIF Test Mix, Sodium Fluorescein (20 mL). Test mix for testing the Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) detector and determining the calibration correction factor (CCF) for the system.

Molecular Weight Sizing Standard - 3 Pack
Reference : ABS-A22196

Molecular Weight standards (10 to 225 KDa), 16mg/mL (100 µL) for use with the SDS-MW Kit (Part Number 390953) to provide a sizing ladder to reference proteins of interest against.

Pre-Assembled Capillary Cartridge
Reference : ABS-A55625

No more need to mount capillaries. Pre-assembled EZ-CE cartridge (part # A55625) for multiple applications (Purity Analysis, Rapid Charge Variant Analysis, and Fast Glycan Analysis)
> Precision cut tips – ensure uniformity of injection plug from capillary to capillary
> Alignment precision at window – reduces potential failure due to misalignment
> Reduce preparation time for operator – simplifying the process and training requirements

Pre-cut N-CHO Coated Capillary 50 µm x 65 cm
Reference : ABS-477601
N-CHO (PVA) Capillary with laser burned window - 50 µm ID x 65 cm total length.
Capillaries must be trimmed to optimize speed/resolution.
This capillary is used with the Carbohydrate Labeling and Analysis Kit.
Reorder component for P/N 477600.