Metaboliet analysers

Bioanalyseoplossingen voor bewaking en kwaliteitscontrole van celkweken

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Wij bieden u betrouwbare en robuuste oplossingen voor het nauwkeurig en snel meten van pH, pO2, pCO2, glucose, lactaat, elektrolyten en meer om uw celculturen in balans, levensvatbaar en perfect groeiend te houden.
Biologische productieprocessen in gecontroleerde omgevingen, zoals die in de biofarmaceutische industrie of de cel- en gentherapie-industrie, zijn onderworpen aan cGMP's die nauwkeurigheid en precisie vereisen.
Naast volledige ondersteuning van de apparatuurkwalificatie(IQOQ) biedt Analis oplossingen die voldoen aan uw documentatie- en traceerbaarheidsvereisten met inachtneming van de gegevensintegriteit conform de 21 CFR Part 11 vereisten.
Deze bioanalyseoplossingen gaan over het algemeen hand in hand met onze geautomatiseerde celtellers, levensvatbaarheidsanalysatoren en andere producten uit ons Bioprocessing portfolio.


Bewaking van mediaparameters die cruciaal zijn voor de gezondheid van cellen

De Vi-CELL MetaFLEX biedt je
Snelle nauwkeurige bioanalytenanalyse
Klein monstervolume (65 µl)
Resultaten in 35 seconden
Nauwkeurige analyse van pH, pO2, pCO2, glucose, lactaat, elektrolyten en meer!

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Onze producten


Vi-CELL™ MetaFLEX, Complete System, Bioanalyte Analyzer

Reference : BEC-B93015

Bioanalyte analyzer for Speed, Reliability, Low Sample Volume.
Ideal for micro to large-scale cell culture applications, the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX analyzer delivers fast, accurate analysis of pH, pO2, pCO2, glucose, lactate, electrolytes, and more parameters. The system provides an automatic quality management system with 3 dedicated on-board QC solutions and a customizable QC schedule.
Security and data log features help you comply with 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines.

This complete system includes:
- B93017 Vi-CELL MetaFLEX
- B93029 Solution Pack (includes reagents, calibrators, wash solutions, QC controls and waste collection)
- B93030 SC300 sensor cassette
- B97759 Vi-CELL MetaFLEX Start Up Kit includes the following:
 * Backflush device
 * Thermal Paper roll
  * Inlet Gasket with Holder
- C00195 Vi-CELL MetaFLEX Service Installation and training.

Measuring samples as small as 65 µL and returning results in just 35 seconds, our With less maintenance, more reliability, and a surprisingly small footprint, it’s a sophisticated research solution that profiles test samples quickly, easily, and accurately—keeping your test cell cultures in balance, viable, and growing.

Features :

Quality Management

3 dedicated QC solutions
Automatic failure detection & resolution
Continuous system & analysis checks
Automatic lockout of parameter(s) that fail QC
Customizable QC schedule


Results in 35 seconds*
Small sample volume (65 µL all parameters)*
Process 44 samples per hour*
Cycle time per sample is 1 minute*
23.5 hours per day average uptime**
*May vary during startup
**May vary during startup (2.5 min for system calibration is longest activity)

21 CFR Part 11 Enabled

Sample results log: 2000
Activity log: 5000
Calibration adjustment log: 1000
Data secured by password protection
Electronic signature capability
Secure user sign-on (8 user level permissions)
Administrative configuration tools


Ideal for micro to large scale cell culture applications, the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX is designed for rapid and accurate Bioanalyte analysis. 

Vi-CELL™ MetaFLEX, Complete System, Bioanalyte Analyzer
Reference : BEC-B93015

Bioanalyte analyzer for Speed, Reliability, Low Sample Volume.
Ideal for micro to large-scale cell culture applications, the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX analyzer delivers fast, accurate analysis of pH, pO2, pCO2, glucose, lactate, electrolytes, and more parameters. The system provides an automatic quality management system with 3 dedicated on-board QC solutions and a customizable QC schedule.
Security and data log features help you comply with 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines.

This complete system includes:
- B93017 Vi-CELL MetaFLEX
- B93029 Solution Pack (includes reagents, calibrators, wash solutions, QC controls and waste collection)
- B93030 SC300 sensor cassette
- B97759 Vi-CELL MetaFLEX Start Up Kit includes the following:
 * Backflush device
 * Thermal Paper roll
  * Inlet Gasket with Holder
- C00195 Vi-CELL MetaFLEX Service Installation and training.

Measuring samples as small as 65 µL and returning results in just 35 seconds, our With less maintenance, more reliability, and a surprisingly small footprint, it’s a sophisticated research solution that profiles test samples quickly, easily, and accurately—keeping your test cell cultures in balance, viable, and growing.

Features :

Quality Management

3 dedicated QC solutions
Automatic failure detection & resolution
Continuous system & analysis checks
Automatic lockout of parameter(s) that fail QC
Customizable QC schedule


Results in 35 seconds*
Small sample volume (65 µL all parameters)*
Process 44 samples per hour*
Cycle time per sample is 1 minute*
23.5 hours per day average uptime**
*May vary during startup
**May vary during startup (2.5 min for system calibration is longest activity)

21 CFR Part 11 Enabled

Sample results log: 2000
Activity log: 5000
Calibration adjustment log: 1000
Data secured by password protection
Electronic signature capability
Secure user sign-on (8 user level permissions)
Administrative configuration tools


Ideal for micro to large scale cell culture applications, the Vi-CELL MetaFLEX is designed for rapid and accurate Bioanalyte analysis. 

SC300 sensor cassette for MetaFLEX
Reference : BEC-B93030

Sensor cassette for Vi-CELL MetaFLEX Bioanalyze platform.
SC300 measures pH, pO2, pCO2, Glucose, Lactate, Electrolytes in cell culture medium and also more parameters associated with whole blood analysis

Solution pack for MetaFLEX
Reference : BEC-B93029

Solution pack Vi-Cell MetaFLEX solution pack includes reagents, calibrators, wash solutions, QC controls and waste collection

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