Recirculerende zuurkasten

Wat is een rercirculerende zuurkast?

Een rercirculerende zuurkast of afzuigkast, is een laboratoriumwerkplek die de gebruiker beschermt tegen gevaarlijke chemische producten. Net als een klassieke zuurkast met ventilatiekanalen creëert deze een opwaartse luchtstroom. Maar in plaats van de lucht via het HVAC-systeem naar buiten te sturen, heeft een recirculerende zuurkast een ventilator die de lucht door koolstoffilters trekt. De koolstoffilters bevatten actieve houtskool met chemische coatings. De chemische coatings kunnen chemische dampen opvangen door een proces dat adsorptie heet (moleculaire aantrekking). Voor verschillende soorten chemische stoffen (oplosmiddelen, zuren, basen, ammoniak, formaldehyde, ...) zijn er verschillende soorten coatings.

Analis is verdeler van Erlab in België, Nederland en Luxemburg. 

Erlab heeft deze technologie ontwikkeld en is hierin de huidige marktleider.

Hercirculerende zuurkast Erlab

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ductless fume hood airflow illustration

  • De omgeving: met leidingloze zuurkasten vangt u de chemicaliën op en verwerkt u ze met chemisch afval i.p.v. ze naar buiten te sturen.
  • Energie-efficiëntie: laboratoriumlucht wordt geconditioneerd. In de winter wordt de lucht verwarmd en in de zomer gekoeld. Dit kost veel energie. Een klassieke zuurkast met leidingen stuurt de verwarmde of gekoelde lucht met een hoog debiet naar buiten. Dit is een enorm energieverlies van duizenden euro's per jaar. Een leidingloze zuurkast heeft alleen het elektrische verbruik van de VENTILATOR en de elektronica, wat ongeveer 100 euro per jaar is. 
  • Installatie: de installatie van een leidingloze zuurkast beperkt zich tot de montage en validatie. Een zuurkast met leidingen moet daarentegen ook worden aangesloten op een HVAC-systeem.
  • Flexibiliteit: bij zuurkasten met leidingen moet u rekening houden met de maximale capaciteit van het HVAC-systeem. Vroeg of laat bereikt u een maximumaantal zuurkasten en dan moet u uw hele HVAC-systeem uitbreiden om meer eenheden aan te sluiten. Met kanaalloze zuurkasten hebt u geen beperkingen wat het aantal units betreft. Ook als u naar een ander lab wilt verhuizen zijn zuurkasten zonder luchtleidingen veel eenvoudiger te verplaatsen, omdat ze niet losgekoppeld en opnieuw bevestigd moeten worden aan het HVAC-systeem. U verplaatst gewoon de kast en valideert deze opnieuw.
  • Gebruik van poedervormige chemicaliën: poedervormige chemicaliën en klassieke zuurkasten met leidingenzijn geen goede combinatie. Als poeders via het HVAC-systeem worden afgevoerd, kunnen ze zich ophopen in de hoeken van de HVAC-systemen. Dit komt omdat poederdeeltjes zwaarder zijn dan lucht, dus als ze een bocht maken, verplaatsen ze zich naar de hoeken. Aan de andere kant kunnen kanaalloze zuurkasten eenvoudig worden geconfigureerd met HEPA-filters onder de koolstoffilters. Zo vangt u de poederdeeltjes op. Soms worden er alleen poedervormige chemicaliën gebruikt en is er geen koolstoffilter nodig. In dat geval kan het ook een poederweegstation of balanskast worden genoemd als de kast is uitgerust met een Trespa-werkblad of een marmeren tafel.
  • Wegen: een klassieke zuurkast met leidingen is via het HVAC-systeem verbonden met de buitenlucht. Buitenlucht heeft een zeer variabele snelheid. Deze snelheidsvariatie vertaalt zich gedeeltelijk in een variabele snelheid en druk van de lucht in de zuurkast. Drukvariaties hebben invloed op de weegresultaten. Een leidingloze zuurkast is niet aangesloten op de buitenlucht en heeft daarom een veel stabielere stroming. Hierdoor is deze beter geschikt voor weegtoepassingen. Voor meer informatie: lees de toepassingsnota Weighing in a ductless fume hood. 

  • Koolstoffilters hebben een beperkte snelheid om chemische dampen op te vangen. Als de verdamping erg hoog is, kunnen ze niet worden gebruikt. Slechts ongeveer 70% van alle toepassingen kunnen in recirculerende zuurkasten worden uitgevoerd. De risicobeoordeling kan bepalen of een recirculerende zuurkast geschikt is voor een bepaalde toepassing of niet.
  • De risicobeoordeling voor een recirculerende zuurkast is veel gedetailleerder. De risicobeoordeling is de basis om te zien of de technologie geschikt is, welke sensoren nodig zijn, welke filters nodig zijn en wat de levensduur van de filters zal zijn. De leverancier kan ondersteuning bieden bij het invullen van deze risicobeoordeling.
  • De filters moeten regelmatig worden vervangen. Koolstoffilters raken na een bepaalde periode verzadigd of bereiken hun maximale levensduur. Wanneer dit gebeurt, moeten ze worden vervangen. Dit zijn terugkerende kosten. In de praktijk zijn de kosten van het filter in de meeste gevallen veel lager dan de kosten van het energieverlies bij gebruik van een zuurkast met leidingen. De kosten van het filter kunnen vooraf door de fabrikant worden geschat op basis van de risicobeoordeling.

Een zuurkast zonder leidingen is minstens zo veilig als een zuurkast met leidingen als de risicoanalyse goed uitgevoerd wordt. Tijdens deze  risicoanalyse beoordeelt de fabrikant of de chemische dampen kunnen worden afgevangen en neemt hij een bepaalde veiligheidsmarge in acht. Als de operator de gebruikte chemicaliën onderschat, raken de filters eerder verzadigd dan voorspeld en worden de onderste filters niet op tijd vervangen. In dat geval is er een sensor die de gebruiker een signaal geeft dat de eerste filterlaag verzadigd is, en is er nog een reservefilter dat de gebruiker meer dan genoeg tijd geeft om de verzadigde filterlaag te vervangen. Als men van toepassing verandert, is het belangrijk om contact op te nemen met de distributeur om de risicoanalyse aan te passen. Deze kan de configuratie dan opnieuw bevestigen of aanpassen en de nieuwe filterlevensduur berekenen.
Er is ook een NFX 15211-2009 norm die een reeks tests definieert om te verzekeren dat de kast goed werkt. Deze tests worden uitgevoerd tijdens de installatie en het jaarlijkse onderhoud.

De fabrikant heeft alle onderstaande informatie nodig om te kunnen beoordelen welke chemicaliën verdampen en met welke snelheid.

  • De toepassing: hoe de chemicaliën worden gebruikt is belangrijk om het verdampingsoppervlak en de verdampingssnelheid in te schatten. Ook de temperatuur van de toepassing kan invloed hebben op de verdamping.
  • De gebruikte chemicaliën: de naam van de chemicaliën (of het CAS-nummer) is nodig om te evalueren welke coatings nodig zijn op de actieve houtskool.
  • De concentratie van de chemicaliën
  • De duur van elk experiment/manipulatie
  • De frequentie van elk experiment/manipulatie.

Vul hier de risicobeoordeling in


Maximale energie-efficiëntie en lagere kosten

Uit een onderzoek (*) van het Center for Energy Efficient Laboratories blijkt dat zuurkasten met leidingende grootste energieverbruikers in het laboratorium zijn. Het rapport onderzoekt het energieverbruik van laboratoriumapparatuur in Californië.

(*) Voor meer gedetailleerde info verwijzen we naar het rapport van Market Assessment of Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Laboratories (2015) by My Green Lab, (beoordeling hier beschikbaar).
Download het onderzoeksrapport

Hoe uw lab energiezuiniger maken?
Het is duidelijk dat de klassieke zuurkast met afzuiging via ventillatiekanalen de grootste verbruiker is binnen het lab. Dit heeft vooral te maken met het naar buiten sturen van geconditioneerde lucht met een hoog debiet. Waar de technologie het toelaat, kan een overgang van zuurkasten met afzuiging naar recirculerende zuurkasten dus een zeer grote impact hebben op het energieverbruik van het lab en de CO2 footprint. 


Productoverzicht Captair leidingloze filterzuurkasten

Erlab Captair ductless filtering fume hoods available in 7 different models

Our products


Captair Smart 321 Ductless Fume Hood 0,8m

Reference : ERL-AA606B00011A21

The Erlab captair Smart 321 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Oblong type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 780x620 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1110-1285 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 65W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed or mobile bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking


Captair 391 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m

Reference : ERL-AA616B00011A21

The Erlab captair Smart 491 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Oblong type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1005x620 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1110-1285 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 65W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed or mobile bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking


Captair 392 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m

Reference : ERL-AA636B00014A21

The Erlab captair Smart 392 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Reverso type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1005x749 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1340-1515 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 105W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking


Captair 481 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m20

Reference : ERL-AA626B00011A21

The Erlab captair Smart 481 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Oblong type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1260x620 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1110-1285 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 65W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed or mobile bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking


Captair 483 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m20

Reference : ERL-AA646B00014A21

The Erlab captair Smart 483 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Reverso type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1280x749 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1340-1515 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 160W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking


Captair 633 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m60

Reference : ERL-AA656B00014A21

The Erlab captair Smart 633 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Reverso type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1604x749 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1340-1515 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 160W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking


Captair 714 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m80

Reference : ERL-AA666B00014A21

The Erlab captair Smart 714 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Reverso type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1805x749 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1340-1515 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 220W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking

Captair Smart 321 Ductless Fume Hood 0,8m
Reference : ERL-AA606B00011A21

The Erlab captair Smart 321 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Oblong type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 780x620 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1110-1285 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 65W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed or mobile bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking

Captair 391 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m
Reference : ERL-AA616B00011A21

The Erlab captair Smart 491 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Oblong type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1005x620 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1110-1285 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 65W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed or mobile bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking

Captair 392 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m
Reference : ERL-AA636B00014A21

The Erlab captair Smart 392 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Reverso type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1005x749 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1340-1515 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 105W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking

Captair 481 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m20
Reference : ERL-AA626B00011A21

The Erlab captair Smart 481 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Oblong type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1260x620 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1110-1285 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 65W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed or mobile bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking

Captair 483 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m20
Reference : ERL-AA646B00014A21

The Erlab captair Smart 483 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Reverso type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1280x749 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1340-1515 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 160W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking

Captair 633 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m60
Reference : ERL-AA656B00014A21

The Erlab captair Smart 633 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Reverso type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1604x749 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1340-1515 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 160W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking

Captair 714 Smart Ductless Fume Hood 1m80
Reference : ERL-AA666B00014A21

The Erlab captair Smart 714 is a ductless filtration fume hood designed to protect the user by filtering hazardous vapors produced by your samples. It is quiet, easy to use and fully customizable to your exact needs and laboratory application.


  • Reverso type opening
  • Cut costs of installation, maintenance and operation with a ductless fume hood
  • With Erlab’s unrivalled SMART technology you can work with complete confidence that you are fully protected from the hazardous fumes and particles produced from your laboratory applications
  • Simple communication by clear sound and light pulses indicate varied information including faults, run time, air face velocity, filter saturation, ventilation settings, fan failure, etc.
  • Overall dimensions (WxD) 1805x749 mm. Height is dependent on filter configuration and can be 1340-1515 mm.
  • Corrosion resistant, electro-galvanized steel coated with an anti-acid polymer
  • The eGuard App is available for remote control monitoring of the hood, changing the settings, and delivering safety alerts immediately to your devices (mobile phone, tablet and PC)
  • One filtering column that can be configured to handle liquids, powders or both
  • Continuous monitoring of air face velocity
  • 220W


  • Three different work surface options with built in spill tray (Trespa/phenolic resin, 304L stainless steel or tempered glass)
  • Can be supplied with a fixed bench or you have the option to use your own bench
  • The Molecode detection sensor can be supplied in three types (acid, solvents and formaldehyde)
  • By providing us with your chemical handlings, we can calculate what type of activated carbon or HEPA filters you require and initiate a filter rotation schedule to ensure full protection for years to come
  • Safety filter in case of main filter saturation
  • Available with a number of tap options (nitrogen, hot water, cold water, vacuum, natural gas, compressed air, distilled water, un-ionized water, methane, etc.)
  • Transparent back panel
  • Internal 240V electrical socket
  • Waste port
  • Sink (30x15 cm), location to be indicated by customer
  • Analis exclusive warranty and service contract available to include annual visits and replacement filters

Power supply:

  • Standard 230V

Safety Standards

  • AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009: France - BS 7989: England, DIN 12 927:Germany - EN 1822:1998 (HEPA H14 & ULPA U17 Filters) - CE Marking

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